姓 名:高紫阳
个人简介:高紫阳,2022获得日本佐贺大学工学博士学位,主要从事软土地基处理、监测等方面的研究工作。参与国家自然基金项目1项,以第一及通讯作者身份在Geotextiles and Geomembranes、Transportation Geotechnics、International Journal of Geomechanics等期刊上发表论文十余篇。申请相关发明专利10余项,参与编制中国公路学会标准《公路欠固结软土地基真空预压处理技术指南》1部,参编中国公路建设行业协会工法1部,获中国岩石力学与工程学会科学技术进步一等奖1项(5/20)。
1. Gao Z, Chai J. Method for predicting unsaturated permeability using basic soil properties[J]. Transportation Geotechnics, 2022, 34: 100754.
2. Liu F, Fu J, Wang J, Z Gao*, et al. Effect of the particle size ratio on macro-and mesoscopic shear characteristics of the geogrid-reinforced rubber and sand mixture interface[J]. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2022, 50(4): 779-793.
3. Zhuang H, Wang J, Gao Z*. Anisotropic and noncoaxial behavior of soft marine clay under stress path considering the variation of principal stress direction[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2022, 22(6): 04022062.
4. Chai J, Gao Z*. Method for predicting drying-wetting and scanning soil-water characteristic curves[J]. Transportation Geotechnics, 2021, 31: 100666.
5. Rao Y, Liu Z, Ding G, Gao Z*, et al. Response of sensor-enabled piezoelectric geobelt reinforced soil pullout friction signals[J]. Geosynthetics International, 2023: 1-12.
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目《复杂软土地质条件下底部抽真空法加固机理与固结计算方法研究》,主持
2. 温州市基础性公益科研项目,软土地基扩建海堤稳定性分析及基于压电传感的监测技术研究,主持
3. 浙江省教育厅一般项目,复杂条件下软基海堤长期服役不均匀沉降控制研究,主持
联系方式: gaoziyang2022@163.com