姓 名:吴灵杰
男,1988年生,浙江青田人, 2016年12月获得上海交通大学土木工程博士学位,现于温州大学建筑工程学院任教。在国内外SCI学术期刊上发表论文二十余篇。
(1)浙江省自然科学基金委员会,探索项目,LQ20E080024,吹填淤泥质软土大变形及氯离子耦合作用下混凝土管廊耐久性研究,2020.01 ~ 2022.12,9万,结题,主持。
(2)国家自然科学基金项目,青年项目,52008317,吹填淤泥质软土大变形及氯离子耦合作用下混凝土管廊耐久性研究,2021.01 ~ 2023.12,24万,结题,主持。
[1] WU L J*, GAO X, XIA Y F. Randomness and time-varying characteristics of chloride ion transport in existing harbor concrete structures [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 412.
[2] WU L J*, WANG W Q, JIANG C C. Study on the similarity of chloride penetration in concrete exposed to field and laboratory conditions [J]. Materials and Structures, 2023, 56(5).
[3] WU L J*, WANG W Q, JIANG C C. Deep learning-based prediction for time-dependent chloride penetration in concrete exposed to coastal environment [J]. Heliyon, 2023, 9(6).
[4] WU L J*, JIANG C C, WANG W Q, GAO X, XIA Y F. Chloride Transport Characteristics of Concrete Exposed to Coastal Dredger Fill Silty Soil Environment [J]. Buildings, 2023, 13(9).
[5] WU L J, LI W, YU X N. Time-dependent chloride penetration in concrete in marine environments [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 152: 406-413.
[6] ZHANG J Z, ZHOU L B, NIE Q K, WU H Y, WU L J*. Effects of calcium sulfate whiskers and basalt fiber on gas permeability and microstructure of concrete [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 411.
[7] ZHANG J Z, WU H Y, DU S S, LI X X, ZHANG Y R, WU L J*. Similarity analysis of randomness in instantaneous chloride diffusion coefficient of concrete under different environmental exposures [J]. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2024, 21.